Stewartstown & District Local History Society

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Programme of talks 2009/ 2010 season:


Monday 28th September 2009.

Devotion and Education; A life of Janet Erskine Stuart

by Patrick Castlestewart.


Monday26th October 2009.

Conversions, Controversy and Confusion: The 59 Revival Re-visited.

by Myrtle Hill.

Due to a bereavement, this talk will be replaced by a talk on Aspects of the plantation in East Tyrone by Aidan Fee and Frank Mayes.


Monday30th November 2009.

The Sperrins and Their Foothills.

by Danny Donnelly.


Monday14th December 2009.

Members' Night.


Monday25th January 2010.

I used DNA to find my lost Relatives.

by Pat and Aidan O'Neill.


Monday29th February 2010.

The Development of Farming in Ireland.

by Jim McAdams.


Monday29th March 2010.

Venacular Rural Buildings.

by Dawson Stelfox.


Monday26th April 2010.

Stewartstown GNR.

by Damian Woods.


May 2010.

Local Outing.

This year we joined Donaghmore History Society on their visit to Coney Island.



Programme of talks 2010/ 2011 season:


Monday 27th September 2010.

The Town of Mountjoy: The Plantation Dream that never was.

by Aidan Fee.


Monday 25th October 2010.

Making Sense of the Census.

by Roddy Hegarty.


Monday 29th November 2010.

Patterns of Immigration into East Tyrone since 1607.

by Patrick Fitzgerald.


Monday 13th December 2010.

Members' Night.


Monday 31st January 2011.

The Story of Comets: Ancient History and Societal Impact.

by Mark Bailey.


Monday 28th February 2011.

The History of Working Boats in Lough Neagh.

by Ciaran Breen.


Monday 28th March 2011.

Words in Time.

by Loreto Todd.


Monday 18th April 2011.

The Tan War and Civil War in Tyrone.

by Ferghal McCloskey.


May 23rd 2011.

Local Outing.

Visit to some of the Churches in the area.


July 2nd 2011

Annual Outing: Drogheda and the Boyne Valley

Contact Ciaran Fee on 87738356 for further details.


Programme of talks 2011/ 2012 season:

Monday 26th September 2011.

The Yankee Club of Stewartstown and George Washington.

by Aidan Fee.

Monday 31st October 2011.

Dr Alexander Irvine, author of My Lady of the Chimney Corner.

by Lauren Dawson.

Monday 28th November 2011.

From Crossan to the Acre.

by Colm J Donnelly.

Monday 12th December 2011.

Members' Night.

Monday 30th January 2012.

Team sports in East Tyrone, 1884-1934.

by Donal McAnallen.

Monday 27th February 2012.

A migration and Local History Quiz.

by Paddy Fitzgerald.

Monday 26th March 2012.

Researching Family History.

by Valerie Adams.

Monday 30th April 2012.

My Life in Ruins.

by Claire Foley.

May 23rd 2012.

Local Outing.

Details to be announced.


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